Prepare for Laetare: The Sunday of the Feeding of the 5,000 (03/22)
Due to COVID-19 and the state-mandated health regulations, we will be praying as families together in our homes. Please use these resources to lead your family together in hearing the Word and in prayer. Pray as your ability and family size dictates.
A complete printable service is available below. Musical notation is provided but you may speak instead. Hymns are provided throughout, with additional selections at the end of the document. Alternatively, you may utilize the printable propers with a simple order of service.
The Lord Feeds His People
The Lord provided bread from heaven for His people in the wilderness (Ex. 16:2–21). Now He who is Himself the living bread from heaven miraculously provides bread for the five thousand (John 6:1–15). This takes place near the time of the Passover after a great multitude had followed Jesus across the sea, and when He went up on a mountain. Seen in this way, Jesus is our new and greater Moses, who releases us from the bondage of Mount Sinai and makes us free children of the promise (Gal. 4:21–31). Five loaves become twelve baskets—that is, the five books of Moses find their goal and fulfillment in Christ, whose people continue steadfastly in the doctrine and fellowship of the twelve apostles, and in the breaking and receiving of the bread of life, which is the body of Christ together with His precious blood, and in the prayers (Acts 2:41–47). So it is that God's people “shall not hunger or thirst” (Is. 49:8–13). He abundantly provides for us in both body and soul.
Propers for Laetare (Lent 4)
Order of Matins, Lutheran Service Book, p.219
or Daily Prayer for Individuals and Families, Lutheran Service Book, p. 219
Additional Psalm
Psalm 132:8–18, antiphon v. 13
Office Hymn
LSB 743 Jesus, Priceless Treasure
Exodus 16:2–21; Galatians 4:21–31; John 6:1–15
Order of Prayer
The Litany, Lutheran Service Book, p.288
Collect of the Day
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, Your mercies are new every morning; and though we deserve only punishment, You receive us as Your children and provide for all our needs of body and soul. Grant that we may heartily acknowledge Your merciful goodness, give thanks for all Your benefits, and serve You in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Concluding Hymn
LSB 423 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary
Additional Hymns
LSB 711 Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us; LSB 642 O Living Bread from Heaven; LSB 625 Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Bread; LSB 571 God Loved the World So That He Gave