The Sunday of the Lost Sheep & Lost Coin (06/28)

Read Pastor's Letter to the Congregation with our Reopening Plan

Summary of the Day:

Jesus Receives Sinners

“This man receives sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:2). The Pharisees' statement of judgment against Jesus is in fact a proclamation of Gospel truth. For our God is one who delights in mercy, who casts all our sins into the depths of the sea through the cross (Micah 7:18–20). “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15). Those who refuse to be counted as sinners also refuse Jesus who came only for sinners. Those like the older son (Luke 15:11–32), who think they are righteous of themselves, will not join in the heavenly celebration over the sinner who repents and so remains outside of the Father's house. Let us, therefore, be on guard against self–righteously trusting in our own merits. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you” (1 Peter 5:6). Rejoice that Jesus receives sinners like us and that He still sits at the table with us in the Holy Supper, bestowing His forgiveness and life.

Service Schedule:

Sunday Divine Service - 9:30 am

If you are unable to join us this Sunday, please use this resource to lead your family together in hearing the Word and in prayer. Use this bulletin with a Lutheran Service Book and pray along with our live stream.

Introit: Ps. 25:1-2a, 5b, 15, 20; antiphon: Ps. 25:16, 18\rGradual: Ps. 55:22a, 16, 18a
Old Testament: Micah 7:18-20
Psalm 103:1-13 (antiphon: v. 8)
Epistle: 1 Tim. 1:12-17 or 1 Peter 5:6-11
Proper Verse: Ps. 18:1-2a
Gospel: Luke 15:1-10 or Luke 15:11-32

608 Lord, to You I make confession Herr, ich habe missgehandelt Video

Johann Franck (1618-77) was a lawyer, a poet, and a devout Christian. His hymns reflect the personal faith and piety of a man who truly called Jesus "my joy," as in the German first line of his "Jesus, priceless treasure" (LSB 743). If his hymnody lacks the objectivity of German writers before him, it excels in demonstrating that the Christian is not remote from the Lord, but personally connected to Him through Word and Sacrament.
"Lord, to You I make Confession" first appeared in a 1648 hymnal compiled by Johann Crager, the musical associate of hymn writer Paul Gerhardt, and has become one of the author's better known and loved contributions to the Christian's sung faith. It was originally written in eight stanzas, the first, third, seventh, and eighth of which appear in LSB in a slightly modified version of the 1863 translation by Catherine Winkworth (1827-78).
In its original publication, the hymn was categorized under the heading "for the forgiveness of sins." In some earlier English hymnals, it was placed with hymns for Lent. But TLH (1941), LW (1982), CW(1993), and LSB all place it with the confessional hymns, a helpful reminder that repentance is ongoing in the life of Christians, who need never be without the comfort of God's forgiving Word.

756 Why should cross and trial grieve me Warum sollt ich mich denn gramen Video

556 Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice Nun freut euch Video Hymn Study

439 O dearest Jesus, what law hast Thou broken Herzliebster Jesu Video

977 I will sing my maker's praises Sollt ich meinem Gott Video

594 God's own child, I gladly say it Bachofen Video Hymn Study

Previous Services:

The Congregation at Prayer - Each Morning at 8 am

Join our congregation in prayer each morning on our Facebook and YouTube channels.

Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 pm

Join us for a Bible Study on 1 Corinthians each Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. You'll be able to find our class live on our Facebook and YouTube channels (note: we are not using Zoom). Post your questions in the comments, and I'll respond in realtime or later.

Please share these resources with your loved ones who would benefit from regular prayer and meditation on God’s Word. 


The Sunday of the Father's Mercy (07/05)


Prepare for the Sunday of the Great Banquet (06/21)