"Jesus is given for you and for all who would believe" Christmas Midnight — December 25, 2022

"Jesus is given for you and for all who would believe" Christmas Midnight — December 25, 2022

But you do have an angel who announces to you good tidings. This messenger proclaims with God-given authority to declare to you the forgiveness of sins, deliverance from death, and freedom from the devil's lies. Your angel messenger tells you where to find Jesus, exactly where He is promised. “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.”

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"He came to save you and all His messy, mixed-up family" Christmas Eve — December 25, 2022

"He came to save you and all His messy, mixed-up family" Christmas Eve — December 25, 2022

He comes to save His people from their sins. That’s what His name means, Yahweh saves! Jesus! He came to save Joseph and Mary from their sins. He came to save His whole family from sins, death, and the devil. That includes you, too! By Baptism, you have been joined to Jesus. You were adopted as sons of God, coheirs with Jesus of His kingdom and eternity. That means this messy, mixed-up family that Jesus was born into is now your family, too. And since He came to save them, He came to save you. 

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“Amen. Come now, Lord Jesus! Μαρὰν ἀθά!” Advent Midweek 4

“Amen. Come now, Lord Jesus! Μαρὰν ἀθά!” Advent Midweek 4

And if there are any such among us, we call them to repentance now because Jesus is coming quickly. He says, “Behold, I am coming quickly!” There is no time to remain in trespasses and sins. Repent, believe the Gospel, and you will be saved. Everything in this Christian church is ordered for repentance unto the forgiveness of sins. That is the only way. If anyone is to be saved, God, by His Word and Spirit, must first devastate whatever stupid ideas, immoral lives, and rebellious beliefs are in His way. And having brought an end to all injustice, filthiness, and idolatry, Jesus promises to keep us in His righteousness, holiness, life, and faith until He comes again.“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” (Rev 22:12). Christ comes with the reward which He Himself earned, and which He freely gives to all believers by grace. The “reward” itself is the gift of eternal life in God’s holy presence, earned for God’s people by the death and resurrection of the Lamb of God. This “reward” is represented by the tree of life. Good news and a great gift! So the whole church, the bride, cannot help but cry out, “‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev 22:17) And again, Jesus exclaims, “Surely I am coming quickly!” (Rev 22:20).

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"We know that the whole creation groans" Beverly C. Depies — Tuesday, December 20, 2022

"We know that the whole creation groans" Beverly C. Depies — Tuesday, December 20, 2022

While Scripture gives you such beautiful glimpses of the age to come, the fullness of its glory is beyond our ability to comprehend now, for “eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor 2:9). Still, these things have been revealed to you by the Spirit in the promises of your Baptism, His Gospel, and His Sacrament. God promises, “Behold! I make all things new!” (Rev 21:5). What He promises He does for you and for Bev and all those who wait for His reappearing. 

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"Soon will come that hour!" Advent 3 Midweek

"Soon will come that hour!" Advent 3 Midweek

The third stanza of our hymn “Once He Came in Blessing” tonight focuses on Christ’s coming “soon.” Soon Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. His eminent return is a warning and terror to the wicked whose sin remains unconfessed and trust misplaced. His return soon is a delight to the righteous who live in Jesus’s forgiveness and, with anxious expectation, await His reappearing. For you who live in Christ and grieve this world, sin, and its serpent prince, Jesus’s return cannot come soon enough.

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"Everybody needs a preacher" Advent 3 2022

"Everybody needs a preacher" Advent 3 2022

Yes, Isaiah’s prophecy and their hopes are being fulfilled. The great reversal of the sin and its consequence on all flesh is being undone. The blind see, the lame walk, lepers are clean, and the deaf hear. Alleluia! Praise God! But there’s more! The dead are resurrected. Not since Elijah and Elisha have they seen that happen. And maybe this Jesus is beginning to fulfill the prophetic vision of Ezekiel and the resurrection of the slain in the battle valley? Hope beyond hope!

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I’ll Be Home for Christmas

I’ll Be Home for Christmas

Where is home? Maybe it's with Mom and Dad and siblings? Or with your spouse and children? Perhaps you’ll be wrapped up in a warm blanket in front of the fireplace, with a pet curled up at your feet or in your lap? Home and hearth are gifts from God. They are given to each of us differently but are always a blessing of our generous heavenly Father.

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“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Magdalene E. “Mickie” Trott Lochman

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Magdalene E. “Mickie” Trott Lochman

The promises of God fulfilled for Mickie are the only thing that can give lasting relief for today, tomorrow, and forever. Remember Mickie’s confirmation verse: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” The apostle Peter is right! There is no one else who can give the promises needed for this day. So hear again Jesus’s promises for Mickie, and all those who trust in Him. 

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"Don't Be Distracted from Jesus and His Word" (Advent 2) - December 4, 2022

"Don't Be Distracted from Jesus and His Word" (Advent 2) - December 4, 2022

Jesus’s warning isn’t just for those distracted by all the Christmas celebration (minus the actual celebration of the Nativity in His church, of course). Feasting and revelry, family and work, can easily distract you from keeping your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. Jesus is warning you against all the distractions of this life, all the times the hustle and bustle of normal life distract you from the one thing needful, Jesus’s Word and its delivery for you in the Sacraments. 

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"The Promises of Jesus Give Confident Hope" - Funeral for Willis Liepert

"The Promises of Jesus Give Confident Hope" - Funeral for Willis Liepert

Jesus has kept His promises for Willis. It took a while, but sometimes that is what the LORD does. For Willis, that was 94 years of life, full of blessings but also difficulty and loss. Through it all, Jesus kept repeating His promises. You are forgiven! You are my beloved child! I will never leave you or forsake you! I promise to keep you in the faith! You will be with me in paradise! Resurrection and eternal life are yours, now in hope and then in sight. And Jesus kept His promises for Willis, who now rests in the peace of Jesus awaiting the Last Day, the triumphant cry of the joy of all the faithful raised to life immortal. So, no matter what twists and turns life took over those 94 years, Willis had Jesus with him to comfort and guide Him. No matter what loss and difficulty this life, world, or even the demonic powers might cause him to suffer, Jesus’s Spirit was there to renew and restore Willis to faith and life in Jesus. The gift of Willis’s baptism into Jesus and the breath of the Spirit received there kept and preserved him, day in and day out.

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"Everything rides on the anointed one, Jesus saving you from your sins" - Advent 1 2022

"Everything rides on the anointed one, Jesus saving you from your sins" - Advent 1 2022

Who is Jesus? What has He come to do? Those are the central questions of this day and season of Advent. If Jesus on the donkey riding into Jerusalem isn’t about that, what good is He? If He is just another prophet, why listen to Him and not the others? If He is just another Maccabean messiah, why follow Him? If He’s just another son of David, a family has lost both their nobility and status, why acknowledge Him with palm branches and exclamation? Everything rides on the anointed one, Jesus saving you from your sins.

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"The Three Article Thanksgiving Feast" Thanksgiving Eve, November 24, 2022

"The Three Article Thanksgiving Feast" Thanksgiving Eve, November 24, 2022

Each morning we begin, and each evening we end with a prayer that goes like this, “I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son…” As you pray those words, think of the blessings of body and life God the Father has given you. But also recognize the more fantastic gift of forgiveness, life, and salvation you have in His Son by the Spirit. And then you can say, “O, Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.”

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"Awake, arise, and meet Jesus as He speaks His Word of Life" Trinity 27 2022

"Awake, arise, and meet Jesus as He speaks His Word of Life" Trinity 27 2022

Wake up! Jesus is here! He brings forgiveness for your sins, rescue from the demonic forces, and resurrection from the dead. Awake, arise, and meet Him as He speaks His Word of Life, restoring and renewing you. “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light” (Eph 5:14). Remain awake, attentive, and vigilant for the day of His coming. Jesus’s Word and gifts are here for our life and salvation; wake up!

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"Everything depends on your relationship with Jesus, what the Scripture calls faith" Trinity 26 2022

"Everything depends on your relationship with Jesus, what the Scripture calls faith" Trinity 26 2022

Only one can judge with equity and whose verdict is always good, right, and trustworthy. The only one whom the Father has authorized to judge eternally and who once and again stands upon the earth is Jesus Christ. As the Psalmist has given us to sing, “When my enemies turn back, They shall fall and perish at Your presence. For You have maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the throne judging in righteousness. You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked; You have blotted out their name forever and ever” (Psalm 9:3-8).

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"I will betroth you to Me... and you shall know the Lord" Hosea 2:18-23

"I will betroth you to Me... and you shall know the Lord" Hosea 2:18-23

That’s the message of the Scriptures—God preserving what He has made, joined together, and promised to bless. He preserves the first marriage of Adam and Eve, even as their elder son murders his younger brother. Over and over, God’s people seem to be hell-bent on separating what God has joined together. But God the Father, Son, and Spirit are constantly at work through the saving gift of your baptism and the ongoing nurture of His Word to guard, preserve, and uphold your marriage.

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Bible Study: Ezekiel 3:1-17 - October 30, 2022

Bible Study: Ezekiel 3:1-17 - October 30, 2022

The metaphor of the prophet as “watchman” is frequent (esp. Is 21:6-12; Is 56:10 for false prophets; Hosea 9:8, Hab 2:1, Jer 6:1). God and Ezekiel is not just concerned with natural, temporal life, but also with spiritual and eternal life. Jesus assumes the language in the parable of the ten virgins (Mt 25:1-13) and His summary admonition in Mk 13:37: “What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’” The prophet’s role as watchman readily applies specifically to the pastoral office today and broadly, to all Christians. There is risk and serious consequence of death for failure to speak God’s Law and Gospel (3:18). All are held to a high standard to rebuke the erring brother, with particular judgment for the pastor who fails to speak (Office of the Keys; Rev 1:18; Mt 16:19; Rev 3:7).

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"He gives Himself entirely and thoroughly for you and your salvation" Trinity 22 2022

"He gives Himself entirely and thoroughly for you and your salvation" Trinity 22 2022

And Jesus always keeps His promises. He never stops inviting you. The wedding hall will be filled. The whole host of heaven will be numbered. A rich feast of forgiveness, life, and salvation is served. Come and eat and drink. Everything needed is prepared and given. Be clothed and be fed. Jesus is the host, the maître d’, and the meal. This is His service, where He gives Himself entirely and thoroughly for you and your salvation. 

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Bible Study: Ezekiel 2:1-10

Bible Study: Ezekiel 2:1-10

God does not deny the possibility that the Israelites may listen to Ezekiel and repent. But the prophet is not to tailor his message to his audience. If they do listen, believe, and are saved, it will be due tot he efficacy of the divine Word, that same Word that raised up Ezekiel from the ground and sent him to preach. if they do not listen, then the fault will not be God’s nor that of the faithful prophet.

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“Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you" Trinity 19 2022

“Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you" Trinity 19 2022

However, what was required for Jesus to call you sons and to forgive you all your sins? This required His own death! For “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (Hebrews 9:22). Jesus does the lesser—heal the man’s paralysis—to prove what is more remarkable—His blood-bought authority to forgive sins with a Word! And where Jesus is forgiving sins, He is also working life and love. His life-breathing breath works and renews faith that cannot be seen. His Spirit takes hold of you and works out the love that can be seen in you. 

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