“Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!” Trinity 27 2023

“Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!” Trinity 27 2023

Jesus has made you His holy bride. He continues to keep you in the faith. He has prepared the feast. The parable should be called the Parable of the Generous Groom. Everything about the brides is given. They are virgins, holy in the forgiveness of sins. They are given lamps and oil for the time until He comes. They wait and watch for Him, trusting in His promise. They die in faith, laid to rest until “midnight.” He sends heralds to cry, “Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!” They all are awakened to life again. And everything He has already given is all they need: the promised wedding, the bath of water and anointing with oil, the white garments of salvation, the food for the journey, the lamp for their feet, and light for their path.

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"He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose!" Trinity 24, 2023

"He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose!" Trinity 24, 2023

Today, Jesus gives you two lovely examples of His authority over life and death. He is the Word that made all things. He is the Word that sustains all things. He is the Word that gives daily bread and delivers from evil, even death. So, the woman who had exhausted all worldly remedies is driven to Jesus for escape from sure death. Jairus, the ruler, is driven to Jesus for resurrection and life for his daughter. Only the one who gives and sustains life, Jesus, can deliver from sickness and death.

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"Come, eat, and drink at Christ’s wedding feast, the marriage supper of the Lamb" Trinity 20 2023

"Come, eat, and drink at Christ’s wedding feast, the marriage supper of the Lamb" Trinity 20 2023

The Chronicler sternly warned, “The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent persistently to them by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place. But they kept mocking the messengers of God, despising His words and scoffing at His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord rose against His people, until there was no remedy” (1 Chr 36:15-16). So, will God treat those who prefer the world and the devil over His Son. He gives a feast for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation and gives it freely. There is nothing more dangerous than rejecting this (Gal 6:7). The only way to be saved is to be clothed in Christ, wrapped up in the wedding garment of faith, not sewed together by works, but the free gift of God. 

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"Our faith is the victory which overcomes the world" Trinity 19 2023

"Our faith is the victory which overcomes the world" Trinity 19 2023

The victory depends not on our faith but on Christ, to whom true faith holds fast. Therefore, a struggling faith, which feels weak, can be much stronger than a faith that feels strong because it relies on its experiences, feelings, and earlier victories (2 Cor 12:9-10). As soon as you take hold of faith, as if it comes by your reason or strength, it is no longer faith. Faith always has an object, someone, or something that you trust. And if it is not in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, it will find another god. If God permits us to fail, then he wants us to learn to rely entirely on Christ. As the Apostle directs us, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?” (2 Cor 13:5). 

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The Crisis of Authority

The Crisis of Authority

People everywhere are asking, “Who is in charge here?” It seems that no one wants to take responsibility for what the wrongs and evils see in the world. Crime is left unpunished. Laws are made and then broken. Corporations refuse to pay a living wage to their workers. Parents neglect their children. Spouses abuse each other. The question is good: Who has the authority to respond appropriately? According to the law, the appropriate response to lies is objective truth, evil with punishment, and goodness with reward. This is what we expect from those in authority over us. But if they neglect these duties, we are left asking again, “Who is in charge here?”

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"Two pillars joined together by the capstone Jesus" Wednesday of Trinity 18—October 11, 2023

"Two pillars joined together by the capstone Jesus" Wednesday of Trinity 18—October 11, 2023

The church, the temple of God with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone, and we, as living stones, live according to the Gospel, the forgiveness of sins. This is for all people, nations, and languages, that is, everyone who once rejected Him. There are two pillars joined together by the capstone Jesus. Their unity is in the Gospel, the forgiveness of sins. The Gospel always unites people around Jesus and the common need to be forgiven for rejecting Him. All sin revealed by the law results in the rejection and death of Jesus. But the Gospel always reveals that that rejection, suffering, and death of Jesus on the cross is the very means that God has used to bring about forgiveness, life, and salvation for you and all who believe. This is the only means for unity among people, to be united in the same promise, the Son, to forgive sins. 

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"David, inspired by the Holy Spirit, speaks of Christ" Trinity 18 2023

"David, inspired by the Holy Spirit, speaks of Christ" Trinity 18 2023

Today, Jesus is asked a question and speaks in terms we can understand. But then He asks a question in the second half, and no one can understand and are silent. The first way of speaking makes complete sense to us, but the second way is beyond any capacity—our heart, soul, strength, or mind. In a shocking turn, what Jesus says that we can comprehend cannot save us, but what He says that offends us is precisely the truth that keeps us! 

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"Another kind of authority belongs to Jesus" Wednesday of Trinity 17 — October 4, 2023

"Another kind of authority belongs to Jesus" Wednesday of Trinity 17 — October 4, 2023

Your whole faith and life hinges on the question, “By what authority? And who gave you that authority?” Jesus’ authority is from God the Father in heaven, preaching the Law to reveal sin but preaching the Gospel to unbind that sin through His innocent suffering and death and shed blood. Jesus can do something no one can do: bear your sins and forgive you. What an authority but so contradictory to anything we could believe or imagine! Everything in this world and life outside the Gospel requires you to bear the weight of your actions. But the Gospel promise accomplishes what the Law cannot do: absolve you and set you free.

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"Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath?" Trinity 17 - October 1, 2023

"Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath?" Trinity 17 - October 1, 2023

In today’s Gospel, we see that intelligent, clever, and wise people will use God’s Law to misinform consciences and move far astray as to despise God’s word. Since in the Old Testament, the law was neither understood nor moderated according to love, God gave the people prophets who should explain the law not according to its strictness but according to charity. When you serve your neighbor and help him, you have kept the Sabbath right and well, even though you have done work on it, because you did a divine work. First, hear God’s Word in faith, and then His Spirit will work love in you for your neighbor. 

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"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit"

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit"

All that Jesus purchased and won by His suffering and death is Kelsie’s by promise and divine right. As He died once and for all to forgive sins, Kelsie’s trespasses and transgressions against God’s Holy Word are forgiven. As He abolished death by His death, Kelsie has not died but is sleeping in the Lord’s safekeeping. And as Christ rose from the dead, Kelsie lives with Christ, and we will see her again in the resurrection of all flesh. This is the glorious promise put into Kelsie’s ears when she was baptized and repeated to her with Confirmation blessing. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” Her hope and trust are in Christ and Him alone. Apart from Him, she could do nothing. But grafted onto the vine, a holy branch of God’s making and redeeming, Kelsie was given to bear much fruit.

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Bible Study: Resilience in the Parish

Bible Study: Resilience in the Parish

Resilience is a trait rooted in thoughts, choices, and behaviors. Spiritually speaking, the means for resilient people and congregations are already yours. The Spirit is at work daily to return you to Jesus, to listen to His Word, and to guide your words and deeds. Immediately after Pentecost, the Spirit-gathered Church was given the gifts that make for resilient people—people who would be persecuted, slandered, attacked, and even killed. All but one of the Apostles died a martyr’s death, yet remained faithful unto death. “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers… And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:42-27). 

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"Because Jesus lives, all those who are in Jesus will never die but shall live" Trinity 16 2023

"Because Jesus lives, all those who are in Jesus will never die but shall live" Trinity 16 2023

Death is interrupted in Jesus. He comes up to our coffins and says, “No more! Son or daughter, I say to you, arise!” And with the cry of the archangels and the sound of trumpets, all the dead are raised, now by faith and then by sight. Because Jesus lives, all those who are in Jesus will never die but shall live. Yes, it is hard to live in that paradoxical tension between the now and the not yet, just as it is to believe that we are sinners deserving nothing but death and punishment but at the same time believing that we are forgiven children of God, who thus also have salvation and eternal life. Indeed, this can only be believed by the working of the Holy Spirit through the Word. 

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"We ask for what we believe God the Father, Son, and Spirit alone can give" Trinity 15 2023

"We ask for what we believe God the Father, Son, and Spirit alone can give" Trinity 15 2023

You’ll note that the things that cause us the most worry, anxiety, and fear are those that God promises to give and protect. He gives them in the Creed and the Prayer and protects them with the Ten Commandments. In the Creed, God the Father and Maker promises everything you need for your life. God the Son gives you everything needed for salvation through His suffering and death. God the Holy Spirit gives you faith in His Church to keep you with the Father and the Son. So, why do you worry? Why are you anxious? What are you afraid of?

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"Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones" Wednesday of Trinity 14

"Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones" Wednesday of Trinity 14

One key to understanding is that children don’t take the kingdom for themselves. They are not innocents who deserve Jesus and his kingdom, any more than the disciples could somehow merit a higher status in the kingdom through their righteous doing. They receive Jesus as a gift by faith, which is also a gift. Children, especially infants, can do little for themselves but depend on their loving parents for everything. There’s no hierarchy of merit but reception by identity as children of God. Of course, this is why Holy Baptism is given to all as the gift that gives adoption as sons regardless of any distinguishing mark. And with the adoption comes forgiveness, faith, life, and Spirit. 

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"See with Eyes of Faith" Trinity 13 2023

Your baptized eyes see this as what is real. You don’t see as mere physical eyes see. You see the Lamb of God on his altar throne, giving His body and blood for you. You see Jesus standing in your midst, forgiving your sins. You see Jesus washing you with water, absolving and cleansing. You see Jesus in His pulpit proclaiming His Word, which alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And when your eyes now see that, you will see everything and everyone around you differently, too.

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“He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak" Trinity 12 2023

“He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak" Trinity 12 2023

Science is making great strides in restoring hearing and overcoming speech impediments. Nerve endings can be replaced. Electronic signals can be sent directly to the brain. Surgery can restore the speaking function of the tongue and lips. Stuttering children can take speech therapy. But hearing the Gospel so that we believe is a miracle only God can perform. “No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Co 12:3). For 168 years, the Holy Spirit has worked the miracle of faith in this place by a succession of faithful pastors through their preaching. 

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